Settings Overview
The Intellectual Property Settings dialogs are among the most important for controlling how your website looks and behaves. We will cover the various tabs of the Settings panel in order.

Miscellaneous Settings
As the name would indicate, Miscellaneous Settings (Figure A) are the basic parameters for miscellaneous Intellectual Property settings. They are:
Sale Types
- Sale Types: To create new sale types or edit the existing ones, you can set a title, the path to a banner image and hex color if desired. You can also set a sale type to published or unpublished and choose to show or hide the supplied banner for each sale type.
- Disclaimer: Text to display at the bottom of listings and views. This can be a generic disclaimer of information accuracy, or other legal advice. Consult your MLS or legal advisor if you’re unsure of what to use. If you leave this blank, no disclaimer will appear.
Map Settings
- Map Provider: Choose from Google or Bing. Note Bing requires an API key to use this option
- Map Locale: the default locale / language for the Map. It will attempt to determine this from the user’s settings in most case, though you can force the value here
- Map Credentials: Enter Google or Bing api key here.
- Maximum Zoom: Set this value to limit the maximum zoom of the Google Maps to prevent people from getting too close to a property.
Feed Settings
- Enable XML Feeds: This will turn on / off the XML feed views for the front end
- Show Admin Feeds: Show / Hide Thinkery data feeds in Admin view