The following pages and posts are tagged with

IProperty Access Control Page What is ACL and how does IProperty use it?
IProperty Advanced Search Settings Page This explains all settings in the IProperty Advanced Search settings tab.
IProperty Agents Page This section explains what an IProperty Agent is and how to use it.
IProperty Agent Settings Page This explains all settings in the IProperty Agents settings tab.
IProperty Amenities Page This section explains what IProperty Amenities are and how to use them.
IProperty Backup and Restore Page The IProperty Backup and Restore feature allows users to quickly take a backup of all of their IProperty data. The data can be restored at any time to refres...
IProperty Categories Page This section explains what an IProperty Category is and how to use it.
IProperty Category Settings Page This explains all settings in the IProperty Categories settings tab.
IProperty Companies Page This section explains what an IProperty Company is and how to use it.
IProperty Company Settings Page This explains all settings in the IProperty Companies settings tab.
IProperty Basic Configuration Page Once you've successfully installed Intellectual Property, you will need to perform a few quick steps to configure the component.
IProperty Control Panel Page The IProperty Control Panel is the admin panel landing page which allows administrators to quickly navigate to desired areas of IProperty and get basic usage...
IProperty Cron Jobs and Email Updates Page Beginning with IProperty 3.0, you have the option to allow users to subscribe to automatic email updates for both Properties and Searches.
IProperty CSS and Overrides Page This section explains how to use the IProperty Edit Css panel and how to create template overrides
IProperty FAQs Page These FAQs are IProperty specific.
IProperty Feeds Page To feed your site data to Zillow or Trulia, you must first have the feed enabled in the Misc / Feed Settings option in the IP Settings panel.
IProperty Gallery Settings Page This explains all settings in the IProperty Gallery settings tab.
IProperty General Settings Page This explains all settings in the IProperty General settings tab.
IProperty Quick Start Guide Page The documentation in this section will give you the basic steps to get your IProperty site configured and get you started adding some data for the main building blocks...
IProperty CSV/XML Import Page The CSV / XML importer allows you to rapidly populate your IProperty system using a standard text-based comma separated values (csv) or xml files.
IProperty Installation Page This explains the IProperty Installation...
Intellectual Property (IProperty) Page Intellectual Property, or "IProperty", is a top-selling Joomla real estate component created by the Thinkery LLC. by and for real estate agents. In cooperation with...
IProperty License Page License The Intellectual Property Joomla component is released under the GNU GPL license. All rights are reserved. The product is released as-is with no warranties and no guarantees. This document is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives. <i class="fa...
IProperty Menus Page This section explains how to create IProperty menu items
IProperty Miscellaneous Settings Page This explains all settings in the IProperty Miscellaneous settings tab.
IProperty Modules and Plugins Page This section explains what modules and plugins are, and what modules and plugins come packaged with IProperty
IProperty Multi-Lingual Page For users who require multilingual content, IProperty content elements are available for com_falang, a 3rd party extension for multilingual Joomla sites
IProperty Open Houses Page This section explains what IProperty Open Houses are and how to use them.
What is IProperty and how does it help me? Page Are you an agent, property manager, or web developer? IProperty was made for you!
IProperty Plugin Event Triggers Page This section explains what plugins are and how to use the built-in IProperty plugin event triggers to extend with custom functionality
IProperty Properties Page This section explains what IProperty Properties are and how to use them.
IProperty Property Settings Page This explains all settings in the IProperty Properties settings tab.
IProperty Quick Search Settings Page This explains all settings in the IProperty Quick Search settings tab.
IProperty Amazon S3 Page The Amazon S3 options are only available in IProperty > 3.3.1!
IProperty Settings Page The documentation in this section will cover all of the IProperty settings. Many times the default settings will be fine, but having these options available allows you to customize...
IProperty Demo Site Post Not familiar with IProperty? Head over to the demo site and try it out!
IProperty 4 Now Available! Post Not familiar with IProperty? Head over to the demo site and try it out!