This section explains what Work Force Departments are and how to use them.

Departments Overview

Work Force Departments
Figure A: Work Force Departments

Work Force Departments are another name for categories to organize your employees into their specified departments. You can copy employees into several different departments. Since most likely, your employee bio will vary depending on the department, there is no multiple department assignment option in Work Force. The Departments view is the default admin view when clicking into ‘Components->Work Force’ (Figure A).

Add a Department

To add a new Department, click on the ‘New’ toolbar button and this will open the add/edit department dialogue (Figure B).

Work Force Add/Edit Department
Figure B: Work Force Add/Edit Department

Title is the only required field for a department, but you will have the option to add the following fields:

General Department Info

  • Title: The title of the department (eg Marketing, Sales, etc)
  • Alias: The alias field is not required. However, if it is not supplied an alias will be auto-generated for you. Aliases are used by the core Joomla SEF functions to provide URLs to the object. Spaces and special characters are not allowed in alias fields
  • Ordering: The order in relation to other departments
  • Description: A description of the department
  • Status: The published status of the department
  • Image: An image for the department - see below

You can either enter an ‘alias’ in the alias field, or one will be auto-generated for you from the title when the department is saved.


If you choose to add an image, click on the ‘Upload’ button in the sidebar ‘Image’ area which will allow you to upload a new image which will be re-sized to the dimensions you have specified in your Work Force configuration. If you have already uploaded several images, you can also choose to ‘Select Image’ which will open a modal window to choose an existing image (Figure C).

Work Force add or select image
Figure C: Work Force add or select image

Tags: workforce